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Pilot Guide

4 nm S of the City of Santa Ana
N33° 40.54’ W117° 52.09’
On Los Angeles Sectional, L3-L4 and Terminal Area Charts


Distances from NAVAIDS: (• = DME)
ELB 117.2 255° 7 nm VOR only
SLI 115.7• 110° 11 nm VORTAC
PDZ 112.2• 215° 22 nm VORTAC
OCN 115.3• 303° 34 nm VORTAC


Distances from other airports:
7 nm WSW of MCAS El Toro - CLOSED
16 nm ESE of Long Beach
12 nm SE of Fullerton
19 nm SW of Corona
Communications Frequencies
Field Elevation: 56 feet MSL
ATIS (714) 546-2279 126.00
ASOS (714) 424-0590  
Clearance Delivery
VFR   121.85
IFR   118.00
John Wayne Ground* [Unless otherwise assigned by Tower]
John Wayne Tower* [Operates: 0615 - 2300 LCL]
RWYs 20R/2L   126.80
RWYs 20L/2R [RWY 20L/2R CLSD when Tower CLSD] 119.90
Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF) 126.80
SOCAL Approach Frequencies*
NE   121.30
E/SE   124.10
SW/NW   125.35
All Jets    
Approach   121.30
Departure   128.10
*[NOTE: Monitor ATIS prior to contacting Clearance Delivery, Ground, Tower, or Approach Control for frequencies in use.]


Expected Arrival Clearances:
Arriving:   (East) From El Toro proceed to Signal Peak
Expect: Enter LEFT Traffic, RWY 20L; report UCI.
Arriving: (SE) Dana Point and Laguna Beach
Expect: Proceed to Signal Peak for LEFT Traffic, RWY 20L; report UCI.
Arriving: (SW) Huntington Pier
Expect: Cross over the control tower at or above 1300 for left downwind entry RWY 20L.
Arriving: (W/NW) Mile Square Park
Expect: Cross over the control tower at or above 1300 for left downwind entry RWY 20L.


ILS Localizer/DME:   I-SNA  111.75
LDA Localizer/DME: I-OJW 108.30
AFSS:   RAL 122.45
VOT:    110.00


Rwy 2L/20R TPA:
1056 (1000) small aircraft, 1556 (1500) turbine aircraft over 12500 lbs.
Rwy 2R/20L TPA:
856 (800) small single engine aircraft, 1056 (1500) twin engine aircraft.


Departing E/NE: El Toro Departure - "Fly heading 080° "
Departing SE: Newport Departure - "Fly heading 150° "
Departing SW: Mesa Departure - "Fly heading 220° "
Departing NW: Orange Departure - "Fly heading 340° "
Squawk Code, Advisory Frequency, and Altitude as assigned.
Pilots not requesting radar service beyond the surface area of the Class C airspace may state “local” when requesting their departure route. (Example: “John Wayne Clearance, Cessna N739MB, west-side parking, Mesa Local Departure.”) Local radar service will be terminated upon exiting the 5 nm surface area of the Class C airspace. Pilots must then remain clear of all other regulated airspace, including the upper tier of the Class C airspace.


VFR aircraft: To avoid overflight of Rwy 20R/2L:
Rwy 20L arrival fly final at 15° angle to Rwy, Rwy 20L departures turn LEFT 15° at departure end of runway.
To avoid overflights of Rwy 2L, Rwy 2R departures turn RIGHT 15° at departure end of runway.


SNA Tenants

Fixed Base Operators

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Preventing Runway Incursions

  1. “Read back” all runway hold short instructions.
  2. Be vigilant when operating in vicinity of TWY H, TWY C, RWY20L intersection.
  3. When in doubt tell controllers “unfamiliar” and request progressive taxi instructions.
  4. Be familiar – know layout, signage and markings.
  5. Your actions can make all the difference!

Runway Safety Notice

Runway safety notice


Gulfstream/Lear Noise Procedures