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John Wayne Airport Gets Creative with New Exhibit Main Character Energy

(SANTA ANA, CA) – John Wayne Airport (JWA) is excited to unveil its latest exhibition, Main Character Energy, a group show filled with friendly faces and tons of color. This exhibit focuses on the art of illustration, specifically character development and storytelling, showcasing a collection of artists who create iconic characters who are synonymous with their practice. The show runs from February 28, 2025, through June 30, 2025.

Not only do these artists create truly unique, memorable characters, but they also create entire universes for them to interact with and explore. Because these artists utilize the same figures and techniques across their artistic practice, even creating them in different mediums such as clay, viewers can engage with the story and the loveable characters.

The other primary focus of this exhibition is to elevate illustrative arts to the level of ‘fine art’. Historically, illustration, digital art, comic books, and zines are not showcased in galleries or museums and are often disregarded as ‘unserious’ or ‘low art’. This exhibition brings these underrated styles of creation to the forefront and celebrates them for the true art form that they are.

On view alongside paintings and sculptures, are a series of zines created by the exhibiting artists. What is a zine you ask? A zine is a small, self-published booklet that contains original or appropriated artwork and text. They are created by drawing, cutting, pasting, stapling, and stickering an original booklet, then photocopied in limited editions and distributed by hand. This low-stakes form of creation allows artists to be playful and create more freely. John Wayne Airport Curator Heather Bowling says of the exhibit, “My hope is that viewers of all ages will connect with the artwork and characters on view and will perhaps leave feeling inspired to try making a zine of their own.”

Featured artists include James Carey, Miquela Davis, Tripper Dungan, Cheyne Ellett, Shelby Holmes, Isabel Poon, Rebekah Rose and Yesenia Prieto and Jose Prieto of Pinata Design Studio. 

The exhibition can be found post-security in the Vi Smith Terminal A Gallery, between Gates 2 and 4.

For more information about the John Wayne Airport Arts Program, visit